A precious trash!

Kalau ada penyakit namanya Kim Woo Bin disease, pasti aku lagi ngidap itu penyakit.
Enggak peduli seberapa bad nya dia di drama The Heirs, tetep aja rasanya manis.
semanis manisan dikasih gula. >w<

and heree,
some of his sweeeeettt dialogue which can make me melt. Geez.

“Why you always sleep here like this? Makes me want to protect you”
“Why so many knights stand over you? Makes me want to compete with them”
“He (Kim Woo Bin, red)  really want to see you.”

“I was thinking why, I was thinking about her too.”
“I am paying for getting you number.”

“Eat a lot, Transfer student (cute expression. /I’M DEAD/)
“Ah, that hurts. I even bought you black noodles and you saved my number as “Dont Answer”
“Your coming here made my feelings change into flowers…something like that.

“Starting today, you’re mine.”

this was my favorite dialogue by him. idk how much i repeat and repeat again when he said “YOU’RE MINE” word. Gosh!
Sayang ini abang udah ada yang punya. :”

Semoga enggak langgeng langgeng amat ya~

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